
About :
The facades of individuals portrayed through those of architecture.

Facades hide flaws, failings and – ultimately – reality. In the past decade, the structures surrounding us have been cosmetically overhauled; covering the deeper, economic faults.

Can parallels be found between these architectural fronts and the fronts put up by a community?

The visuals and its narration attempt to demonstrate that it doesn’t matter; aesthetics trumps all.

“What we seek, at the deepest level, is inwardly to resemble, rather than physically to possess, the objects and places that touch us through their beauty. “– Alain de Botton

Façades, Full film

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Façades - Preview

This would be the 5th time working with my lovely mum; who happens to be an excellent composer, on a music piece. I started alone placing simple synth notes as the initial idea was a sci-fi ambience.

This would be the 5th time working with my lovely mum; who happens to be an excellent composer, on a music piece. I started alone placing simple synth notes as the initial idea was a sci-fi ambience.

After some draft edits, I felt I needed an orchestral piece to go with the climax; so I pulled old motifs from our previous compositions. My mum then wrote the intro and piano bit to accompany Hana’s voice.
Performed on Ableton, MIDIs exported to Logic

After some draft edits, I felt I needed an orchestral piece to go with the climax; so I pulled old motifs from our previous compositions. My mum then wrote the intro and piano bit to accompany Hana’s voice.
Performed on Ableton, MIDIs exported to Logic

Roads and stone pavements’ maps were custom painted in Photoshop.

Roads and stone pavements’ maps were custom painted in Photoshop.

Default max modifiers were used for the shatter effect.

Default max modifiers were used for the shatter effect.

I found VRay good enough to produce solid raw renders. Only 2 shots required AOVs, used for masks in Optical Flares.

I found VRay good enough to produce solid raw renders. Only 2 shots required AOVs, used for masks in Optical Flares.

Nuke was used for optical flares, vignette, lens distortion, camera shake and chromatic aberration.

Nuke was used for optical flares, vignette, lens distortion, camera shake and chromatic aberration.

It was important for me to have something different than the usual spaced out fonts that most archviz films use these days. While only appearing twice, I felt Manuel’s title animation brought something different to the table. Done in After Effects

It was important for me to have something different than the usual spaced out fonts that most archviz films use these days. While only appearing twice, I felt Manuel’s title animation brought something different to the table. Done in After Effects